Private In-Home Reward-Based Dog Training in the San Fernando Valley Contact: 323-286-1929 /
We are facing some challenging circumstances in the world right now and families everywhere are having to adapt to new routines and a different way of life. Our canine friends are also having to adapt and while many of them are enjoying having the extra company and attention of their humans, they are often prone to feeling our anxiety and uncertainty too.
The silver lining is that with all this extra time, many of us now have the opportunity to train, enrich and bond with our dogs in ways we may have never been able to before and Proud Paws is here to help you get creative and have some fun with those well-deserving pups!
Remember, games are not only just for fun, they also add a valuable level of structure, productivity and focus for your dogs, ultimately aiding you in preventing boredom, over-stimulation and undesirable behaviors in your day to day.
Check out these cheap, easy, home-made activity ideas for keeping your dog occupied during the quarantine period and beyond and helping you with breaking up the monotony: